DevOps Services

Do you honestly need to hire a full time DevOps person? If you do, there are many staffing agencies who will charge you $35,000 in a finders fee to hire someone who you will then have to pay $150,000 to $160,000 a year. If that doesn't sound like a nightmare, you're probably better off hiring someone directly. Our philosophy is different from how the staffing agencies and consulting agencies work. The fact is, you may have one or two areas where you need help, but you don't want to hire a costly hourly consultant. We offer several packages of what we like to call cafeteria-style DevOps. What this means is that you can pick and choose what services you want, pay a monthly flat rate, and get expertise in those particular services without having to worry about hiring.

Do you need an on-call person who can handle all of your support needs? Do you need someone who can interact with your developers on slack and help them debug and troubleshoot your apps? Do you need someone who can migrate large pools of data from one location ot another? Do you need someone who can help you troubleshoot software errors, patch servers, and deal with user access issues? You'll get someone stateside who can help with everything you need. Call +1 310 317 7933 for more information.

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